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Deep Reef

Hawaii Yellow Tang

Hawaii Yellow Tang

Regular price $399.99 USD
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Yellow Tang for Sale
Hawaii Yellow Tang
$399.99 USD

The Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens) is a saltwater fish species of the family Acanthuridae. It is one of the most popular aquarium fish, all of which are taken from the wild, as it is not possible to breed them commercially. Adult fish can grow to 7.9″ inches in length, and 0.39–0.79″ inches in thickness. Adult males tend to be larger than females.

Yellow Tangfish are bright yellow in color. At night, the yellow coloring fades slightly, and a prominent brownish patch develops in the middle with a horizontal white band. They rapidly resume their bright yellow color during daylight.


Yellow tangs are peaceful with other fish species that are not of the same famliy (eg: other tangs). Tangs are naturally territorial with one another, and there can be aggression between yellow tangs and also similar species like black and gem tangs.

Use extreme caution when adding tangs together and especially when adding new tangs to tanks that have existing tangs. Many reefers use acrylic acclimation boxes for a short time to allow the resident fish to get used to the new fish without risk of harming the new fish.

A single tang in an aquarium is ideal because of aggression, but some advanced aquarists may try keeping multiple tangs together in aquariums at least 6 feet long.

Size & Care Requirements

  • Purchase Size: ~2 +” (length)
  • Max Size: 8″ (length)
  • Water Parameters:~78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.0-8.4, s.g. 1.021-1.023
  • Color: Yellow (fades at night)
  • Reef-Safe: Yes
  • Feeding: Herbivorous

Additional Info

For best care, the Yellow Tang should be housed in an established, well-filtered aquarium of at least 100 gallons.

To best recreate a natural reef environment for your Yellow Tang, aquascape generously with live rock but be sure to arrange your reef aquarium landscape so there are open areas with ample room to swim. Consider enhancing water movement for your Yellow Tang by employing powerheads or wavemakers.

Like other Tangs, this member of the Acanthuridae family demonstrates territorial aggression towards its own species, or Tangs in general. Therefore, it is best to keep just one Yellow Tang per aquarium, unless multiple Yellow Tangs are introduced simultaneously into a very large system.

Although the Yellow Tang will eat meaty foods it is important the Yellow Tang is offered plenty of marine-based seaweed and algae. This will strengthen its immune system, reduce aggression and improve overall health. Offer dried seaweed, or Nori by way of veggie clip along with Spirulina or algae pellets.

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